Customized exam and board review for the USMLE and Medical Specialty Board Exams, NCLEX-RN (nursing), NAPLEX (pharmacist), NBDE (dental), and PANCE/PANRE (physician assistant).
Study support platform covering the basic sciences, organ systems, clinical reasoning and more. The Osmosis platform provides a comprehensive medical video library, high-yield notes, flash cards and case questions.
NOTE: You will need to use your Touro email to create an account.
Contains over 300 narrated videos of real cadaver specimens and includes the following volumes:
Vol 1: The Upper Extremity – 60 videos on the Shoulder, Hand and Arm
Vol 2: The Lower Extremity – nearly 60 videos on the Hip, Knee, Leg, Ankle and Foot
Vol 3: The Trunk – nearly 60 videos on the Spine, Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis
Vol 4: The Head and Neck – over 120 videos covering the Eye, Skull, Brain and related areas
Vol 5: The Internal Organs and Reproductive Health – over 60 videos on the thoracic and abdominal organs, and reproductive health
Include section exams, a glossary, and an A-Z index.
Draw it to Know it teaches medical sciences in a purely kinesthetic way, revitalizing a classic approach to science education for the modern classroom. Each diagram is narrated and clearly drawn in whiteboard tutorials.
A suite of 3D interactive models of human anatomy. Intuitive controls allow the user to zoom, rotate, and peel away layers to explore anatomical structures in depth. Also included are MRIs, X-rays, live-action movies, animations, and quizzes.