ClinicalKey often allows you to use "natural language" when you search. For example, ClinicalKey recognizes not only that an article is about myocardial infarction, but also that myocardial infarction:
When you need to refine your search results further, ClinicalKey’s filters can instantly sort your content by specialty, source type, study type and date.
You will see a toggle switch at the bottom of the filter options, but please DO NOT select this option. This option will limit your search results to only the full text journal articles embedded within ClinicalKey. The Sirota Library subscribes to ejournals outside of this database so you are negatively limiting your search results if you choose this option.
When you find images in ClinicalKey that you’d like to use in a presentation, you can save them for later use without leaving the results page. Images can be dragged and dropped from the search results list into Presentation Maker, or saved using the “Add to Presentation” button. You can also view, move and delete content within the Presentation Maker panel. The Presentation Maker will automatically insert citation information for you.
For help or more information, contact the Library. We can assist with basic troubleshooting and verify whether or not there are any known issues with the resource you are trying to access. You can also contact Elsevier directly for ClinicalKey support at (888) 615 4500.