Topic Pages offer concise information about disease epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, treatments, with links to specialty specific answers and related drugs.
ClinicalKey has a large collection of image and video content. Search for your topic of interest, then limit the Source Type to Images or Videos. If you're interested in surgical procedures specifically, or mapping out the anatomy of a surgical procedure, you should also consider Procedures Consult (a collection of surgical procedure videos).
The ClinicalKey platform has numerous ebooks. You may read them online, or download pdf book chapters.
All the ebooks in the ClinicalKey are listed in the Library catalog
All of the ejournals embedded in ClinicalKey are listed in the Ebsco ejournals database as well as Browzine
In order to download ebook content you need to create a personal account with Elsevier/ClinicalKey.
Limit your search under the "Source Type" menu to "Patient Education."