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UpToDate: Home

What is UptoDate?

uptodateis an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource that covers more than 10,000 topics in 22 medical specialties that includes articles, graphics, patient information topics, medical calculators, a drug database and drug interactions tool (in partnership with Lexicomp®). Quickly and easily find answers to your clinical questions.

Create an UptoDate Account

1.  Access UptoDate through the Sirota Library's homepage by clicking onin the center column.

2.  On the UptoDate home page, click on "Sign in"  in the center of the screen.

3.  Click on 

4.  Fill out the form using your Touro email, then press "send verfication code". 

5.  Check your email for the your verification code, then enter it where prompted.

6.  Sign in using the credentials you used to create your account.  


You need to re-verify your account every 90 days.  You do not need to be on campus to do this!

Access UptoDate on a Mobile Device

There are two options to access uptodate on a mobile device:

1.  The mobile website is designed to adapt to mobile devices and is optimized for smaller screens.

2.  The mobile app contains full UpToDate clinical content with optimized mobile interfaces, mobile-optimized calculators, and a CME accrued/CME tracker. The mobile app offers an experience similar to the desktop interface.  You may install the app for free on two devices.

Instructions for downloading the app:

Step 1: Access UptoDate through the Sirota Library's homepage by clicking onin the center column.

Step 2: Sign in or register for a personal account using your Touro email address. 















Step 3: Download the UptoDate app from Apple's App storeor google play

Step 4: Log into the app using the credentials you chose when setting up your personal account. 

Reminder: you need to re-verify your account every 90 days.  You do not need to be on campus to do this!


Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine and College of Pharmacy
Harlem Campus 230 West 125th Street New York, NY 10027 (212) 851-1199