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RefWorks: Importing Citations

Manually add a reference

  1. Select Add > Create New Reference. The Reference Editor appears.

    Reference Editor.

    To add a reference directly to a folder, select the folder in the Navigation area and then select Add > Create New Reference.

  2. Select the reference type. The remaining fields on the sidebar change depending on the type you select.
  3. Enter a title or as much of the title as you can. You can optionally select the title_locate.png button in the Title field to have RefWorks match the title with an item in the library. This button is also available after you enter a value in the DOI or the ISSN/ISBN fields. RefWorks shows possible matches at the bottom of the Reference Editor. If you select one, RefWorks completes the title and fills the fields with information from the library. If no suitable match is found, you can enter the rest of the metadata manually.

When clicking on Title in the suggestion list, the contents of the reference will be replaced. When clicking on ISSN, ISBN or DOI, the contents of the reference will be supplemented. 

  1. Enter any required tags for this reference. If any tags currently exist for other references, you can select them. Tags are used for filtering references on the Tags tab in the Navigation area.
  2. Fill in as many of the remaining fields that you can.
  3. When you are finished, select Save.

Save articles from any website

Save to RefWorks can be installed in your browser's favorites (bookmarks) bar. When you are browsing a website that has references that you would like to add to your RefWorks account, select the bookmarklet. RefWorks attempts to save the references and full texts.

 To install Save to RefWorks:

  1. Ensure that your browser's favorites toolbar is currently visible in your browser.
  2. In RefWorks, Click on Totools
  3. Follow the instructions in the pop up box.

Uploading documents

Option 1: Drag and drop a file into the Main area.

Option 2: Select Add > Upload Document and select the file. The file can be in any format.

Valid Attachment File Formats.

The file uploads as a reference with type Generic. RefWorks attempts to automatically extract as much information as it can from the uploaded file. Edit the reference to correct and complete the information.

If you drag and drop multiple files at one time, a reference is created for each file.

Remove Duplicate References

  1. Choose either "exact match" or "close match".
  2. Check marks will appear in the boxes next to the duplicate references.

Transfer Your Existing References into RefWorks


To import references from Mendeley:

  1. Select the Import from Mendeley button and Authorize on the following page.

  2. Sign into your Mendeley account and the import process will be initiated.

  3. The "Import Process Complete" message will inform you how many references were copied. Your Mendeley library will not be altered.

    Go to Last Imported.

  4. Select Go to Last Imported to view imported references.

NOTE: Mendeley allows exports of up to 500 references at one time. The folder structure will not be automatically imported.

To import from a another reference management service or database or file:

  • Export a file from that service to one of the following formats: NLM PubMed, RefWorks Tagged, RefWorks XML, RIS or Web of Science. For example:


Select references and select Export Library from File menu or Export Items… from the right-click menu. Select the RIS format and save the file. Import the file into RefWorks.


Select Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager and select RefMan (RIS) Export.

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